Branding with King Dyngus

Dyngus Day is three weeks away from today and it’s one of my favorite holidays for a number of debaucherous  reasons and I wanted to talk about an idea I had and wrap it into another thought to answer a common question. What is branding? Branding is a marketing function to get people to know your product where marketing is a function to get people to buy it. Branding is the “why” and marketing is the “how.” Branding builds loyalty and / or create value. So what are your brand values? 


I love Dyngus Day! It is one of my favorite days of the year. It is often called “Polish Mardi Gras” since Mardi Gras is the day before Lent starts and Dyngus Day is the day after it is over and you can go back to all the bad things you couldn’t do for the previous 40 days. In Poland it is a holiday of joyous festivities and in the US it is sponsored by beer companies in various regions that celebrate it. Not everyplace celebrates it and that saddens me because everyone is Polish on Dyngus Day! I ended up being in Los Angeles on Dyngus Day one year and I know it’s not wide spread there but obviously the Polish restaurants will celebrate it. No. I called every Polish restaurant in LA County…all three of them. One was closed for the day when I called, one answered and said they are closed on Monday’s and when I asked about Dyngus Day she seemed to have no idea what I was talking about and the third was permanently closed but Google had not been updated yet. So I had a Long Island iced tea at a Mexican restaurant in Barstow and wept a tad for society.


I currently use the URL and hashtag of TheMichaelBeebe as my primary brand and moniker but I am thinking of creating a secondary brand for myself called “King Dyngus” or “KingDyngus” for the hashtag and username I would post under for that site. The goal is to talk about Dyngus Day and create an area of exchange for Dyngus-related activities around the United States. My life’s work would be summed up by being able to find a local pub crawl on the day after Easter anywhere in the country. I think this all says more about the trajectory of my life than anything else, but it’s fun and celebrating Dyngus Day has become part of my personal branding. 


I would have information about what cities offer Dyngus Day celebrations and allow various people to blog about things they have done on Dyngus Day, like the girl dancing topless in the bar or the guy pissing in the planter on the sidewalk and no one cared because it was Dyngus Day. Dyngus Day can be wild fun or a family-friendly celebration of endless Polish food. South Bend and La Porte are some twenty miles apart but in South Bend most Dyngus Day activities focus on activities for various clubs and organizations around town to raise money and in La Porte we have a shuttle that takes us from bar to bar and the bars on the route, I have heard, can earn as much as one-third of their yearly income on that day. Neither town does a parade like Cleveland or Buffalo do and some even have a Dyngus Day Queen. Both La Porte and South Bend use it to kick off political season with politicians doing from event to event because part of our local tradition is to get the politicians drunk so they can’t lie to us for once and the May Primary is roughly a month after. 


I find the differences in celebration methods interesting to say the least which creates an overall macro brand and marketing locally is the micro activity…just as in the general branding-marketing relationship. Branding is the macro and marketing is the micro.


I sincerely hope this clears up any and all confusion you have over the differences between marketing and branding and exactly what a brand is. I hope I defined a brand pretty well here.


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